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Karl William Klöpping (Klipping) Öffnen Blatt

Vetter väterlicherseits des Vorgängers, Vetter väterlicherseits des Vor-Vorgängers:
Farmer Q57
* 15.12.1863 Freeport, Stephenson (Illinois), ~ 15.12.1863 (n) Freeport, Stephenson (Illinois)
† 29.06.1934 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa), ‡ 01.07.1934 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
Vater: Ludwig Heinrich August Klöpping
Mutter: Anna Maria Hatcher (Klöpping)
oo K 25.04.1888 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa) mit Marie Elisabeth Sophia Anna Geise, * 23.03.1865 Kohlstädt, † 29.08.1939 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa).
Herkunft: Freeport
Lebensphasen von Karl William Klöpping:
24.04.1930 Norwalk, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
Notizen / Bilder zu Karl William Klöpping:
A farm of two hundred and eighty acres of well improved and valuable land on sections 10 and 11, Norwalk township, is the property of Karl W. Klopping, who since 1864 has lived in this county, having been brought thither by his parents while in his first year. He was born in Freeport, Illinois, December 15, 1863. His father, August Klopping, was a native of Germany and when a young man of twenty years came to the United States. Mention is made of him on another page of this work. He settled upon a farm in Pottawattamie county in 1866 and upon the old homestead his son Karl was reared, devoting his time and attention in the winter months to the acquirement of an education in the public schools, while in the summer seasons he assisted in the work of field and meadow. He continued with his father in carrying on the home farm until twenty-seven years of age and then began farming on his own account.

On the 25th of April, 1888, Mr. Klopping was married in Council Bluffs to Miss Mary Geise, a sister of Conrad Geise of that city. She was born in Germany but spent her girlhood days in this country, where she acquired her education. Following their marriage the young couple located on a farm near Underwood, where they lived for ft year and then removed to their present home in Norwalk township, Mr. Klopping securing one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he at once began to till, bringing the fields under a high state of cultivation. The farm is thoroughly equipped with all modern conveniences and accessories. In its midst stands a pleasant dwelling and not far away are two good barl1s, one of cement blocks. There is also a good granary and hay shed and in fact none of the accessories of a model farm are here lacking. The latest improved machinery is used to facilitate the work of


the fields and in addition to cultivating the soil Mr. Klopping raises some fruit. He has also put out shade and ornamental trees, which are an attractive feature of the place. The boundaries of his farm have also been extended until it now comprises two hundred and eighty acres in one body. It is one of the best improved places in the township, owing to the care and labor, the practical methods and the progressive ideas of the owner. All these years he has likewise engaged in raising and feeding stock and for several years has made a specialty of raising pure blooded and high grade Aberdeen Angus cattle, having now a herd of about one hundred and twenty-five head with a pure blooded male at the head of the herd. He also has six pure blooded registered cows and the stock produced upon the farm finds a ready sale on the market, while through the improvement of the grade raised Mr. Klopping has done much to advance the price paid for stock in this county. He buys and feeds from four to six carloads of fat steers each year and also a carload of hogs and a large, number of sheep annually. In his business affairs he is energetic, prompt and capable and whatever he undertakes carries it forward to successful completion.

Mr. and Mrs. Klopping have six children, three sons and three daughters: Anna, born May 2, 1889; Ella, April 3, 1891; Fred A., June 26, 1893; Walter L., July 31, 1895; Erna, March 3, 1898; and Donald A., March 10, 1900. Mrs. Klopping belongs to the Lutheran church. Mr. Klopping is an earnest democrat who is now serving as township trustee, while for seven or eight years he has been a member of the school board. For an equally long period he has been a trustee--a fact which indicates that the duties of both positions have been promptly and faithfully performed. He has served as a delegate to county conventions and is much interested in the success and growth of his party, manifesting at all times a public-spirited devotion to the general good.

1) Anna Klöpping
* 02.05.1889 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
2) Ella Klöpping
* 03.04.1891 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa), † 28.09.1983 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
3) Fred Klöpping
* 03.04.1891 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
4) Walter Klöpping
* 31.07.1895 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
5) Erna Emma Klöpping
* 03.03.1898 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa), † 09.06.1995 Fort Collins, Larimer (Colorado)
6) Donald R. Klöpping
* 10.03.1900 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa), † 01.02.1991 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
7) Anna Klöpping
* 1906 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
Status: Geburtsort_in_der_USA
Forscher: Olaf_Biere
Quellen: Karr
Letzte Änderung: 24.11.2019, seit 04.11.2018 aktualisiert

4 Klöpping Johann Friedrich Conrad, Colon
* 14.09.1797 Holzhausen-Externsteine † 11.06.1857 Holzhausen-Externsteine
oo 12.03.1830 Horn
8 ...
9 ...
2 Klöpping Ludwig Heinrich August, Bauer
* 20.07.1834 Holzhausen-Externsteine † 20.06.1908 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
oo 21.11.1858 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
5 Lükermann Johanne Sophie Karoline
* 08.09.1809 Hornoldendorf † 03.06.1902 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
10 Lükermann Johann Friedrich Adolf, Mittelkötter
* 29.10.1779 Hornoldendorf † 12.08.1854 Hornoldendorf
oo 10.12.1805 Heiligenkirchen
11 Reineke Johanne Louise
* 10.04.1783 Fromhausen † 17.09.1867 Hornoldendorf
1 Klöpping Karl William, Farmer
* 15.12.1863 Freeport, Stephenson (Illinois) † 29.06.1934 Underwood, Pottawattamie (Iowa)
3 Hatcher Anna Maria
* 02.05.1838 Preussen † 31.12.1903 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie (Iowa)

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© Olaf Biere, Vahlhausen (32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)

Stand: 26.12.2019 11:13:25
Erstellt mit dem Genealogieprogramm GFAhnen 19.0

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